
Archive for the ‘PET LOVE NEWS’ Category

Happy (Healthy) Cat Month – September

When is the last time you thought “is my cat happy?” Most people are under the impression that cats are self-sufficient and don’t need much to be content. This is not the case. Cats are social animals that need just about the same amount of attention as dogs. They show appreciation differently and the attention […]

Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs – August 1st

Did you know August 1st is the Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs? If you’ve ever walked through a shelter, you’ve seen the sad looks on the faces of those precious pups. Shelter dogs do not always come with a lot of history, so their date of birth is often unknown. Veterinarians are able to estimate […]

National Pet Fire Safety Day – July 15th

Did you know around 40,000 pets die in house fires every year? Pets start around 1,000 home fires per year. These stats are astounding and can be brought down by being proactive. Some helpful tips to promote pet fire safety in the home include: Never leave pets alone around an open flame. Avoid lit candles […]

Pet Love -Rescue and Response Partnership

Animal Investigation & Response reached out to us to help with one of their biggest cases to date. They encountered an animal cruelty situation where they rescued 89 animals. The living conditions in which they were found were as awful as you can imagine. When A.I.R. asked if we could volunteer our services, we didn’t […]

April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

Animals are abused and neglected every single day. Whether by accident or intentionally, humans are the primary cause of animal cruelty. As human beings, we need to think about how we treat our fellow creatures. Humans are capable of destructive behavior, but we are equally, if not more, capable of great good. This month, we […]